It’s November, so that means it’s time for the Extra Life gaming marathon where gamers play games for 24 hours and ask for donations for the Children’s Miracle Network. This year most people played games on November 2, but I postponed my game day until the following weekend due to the Indie Game Con which was held on the 2nd and 3rd this year. This is my 4th year, and I’ll be playing games for 24 hours starting at 8:00am on November 9 (Sat) and ending at 8:00am the next morning. Here’s my Extra Life Participant Page, where you can donate to the Doernbecher Children’s Hospital in Portland and find all the info about my schedule and streams. I’m also bumping up my goal from $269 last year to $369 this year. I’m kinda starting my campaign late, but I’m hoping to get donations during the event this year. If things go well, there will be notifications on the screen when somebody donates and probably some ridiculous sounds and stuff.
This year I’ll be streaming PC, VR, and PS4 games. I’ll have a webcam, so you’ll be able to watch me while I’m playing. I think I’ll have audio as well, so that you can get my running commentary on the games that I’m playing. My Twitch stream is embedded here, followed by a link to my YouTube stream, for your viewing preference.
My overall plan this year is to cycle between PC, VR, and PS4 games, so there should be 8 of each in the schedule. I’m trying to get everything setup and ready in advance this year so that it doesn’t take as much time between games when I would update the screens and info on-the-fly. Here is a schedule set up with all of the games listed so that you know when to watch if you want to see a specific game. I’ll probably be changing it a bit as I get things installed and set up, but it should be final by the time I start the marathon.